Staying Healthy at Home

Mercy Fitness Center is now open! The fitness center will abide by all state, local, and medical facility guidelines. Visit our FAQ page to learn more and see updated hours of operation. If you’re not ready to return to the fitness center, we will continue to update the resources on this page to help you stay healthy at home. Use these tips and articles to support a healthy immune system, keep a positive outlook, and maintain the progress you’ve made toward your fitness goals.

Staying healthy requires that we understand what our health and fitness goals will require of us.

A big part of maintaining a positive mindset in times of uncertainty is that we acknowledge the stress we’re facing and how it’s affecting each family member. Each person’s response to stress is unique, but can include difficulty concentrating or sleeping, volatile emotions, and an overall decline in healthy immune response.

Nutrition supports the muscles, brain, and immune system.

You’re only as healthy as the fuel you put into your body! Especially when under stress, our bodies need the right fuel to support brain, muscle, and immune system function. Take charge of your family’s nutrition by focusing on what you can control: avoiding constant snacking, hydrating with plenty of water throughout the day, and eating nutritious meals together.

Whenever possible, get outside for fresh air and sunshine.

Take time out from the confines of your home whenever you can. Take a walk, play a game with your family, and enjoy a change of scenery.

The value of adequate sleep, as well as active and passive recovery, can’t be overstated.

Maintain healthy sleep and purposeful recovery habits while at home. That could include keeping a normal work and school schedule, limiting screen time within an hour of bedtime, and even setting an alarm to keep a waking routine. Keeping waking and sleeping schedules as close to normal as possible will also make it easier to transition back to work and school when the time comes.

    Looking for more tips and ideas for yourself and your family? Follow Mercy Fitness Center – Edmond I-35 on Facebook for the workout ideas, recipes, and motivation you need to stay healthy and active at home. Plus, check out our blog for more helpful articles and resources, and feel free to share with friends!

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