Category: Movement

Celebrate the new season with one healthy change

Celebrate the new season with one healthy change

It’s time to celebrate the work you’ve done to improve your health and fitness. Take a moment to think about all you’ve accomplished this year. Then, add one new healthy change from the following list of strategies from EXOS as you look ahead to the next season’s challenge!

Stretches can improve your golf game

Stretches can improve your golf game

While the game of golf isn’t fast-paced, it still requires movement and weight-bearing activity, sometimes for hours at a time. That can be a great workout, but don’t underestimate the strain that 18 holes of golf can put on your body.

6 Simple Strategies to Improve Your Posture

6 Simple Strategies to Improve Your Posture

Slouching places undue stress on areas of your body that weren’t meant to handle it. Over time, your muscles tighten from compensating and your joints begin to ache from the pressure, which can lead to injury and chronic pain.

7 Reasons Why Exercise Is the Best Medicine

7 Reasons Why Exercise Is the Best Medicine

Many people equate regular exercise with good health, but for different reasons. For most of us, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight is our number one reason for establishing a regular exercise regimen. What you may not know is that other benefits of regular exercise could be even more impactful on building a healthy lifestyle....

4-Pillar Foundation Series: The Power of Movement

4-Pillar Foundation Series: The Power of Movement

From your brain to your joints, movement has the power to improve every part of your body. And it’s not just about high-impact, sweat-inducing exercise, either. It’s simple – whether you choose to implement small movements into your routine or try a new activity like cycling or yoga, increasing your daily movement can help upgrade...

Evolution of Exercise

Evolution of Exercise

Evolution of Exercise Our modern exercise habits evolved into what they are today. Through good and bad, our habits are constantly changing as our understanding of human physiology continues to evolve. History teaches us that humans have always needed physical fitness, but the reasons behind that need change with the times. The Real Paleo Workout...